Thanks Pat,
I heard this movie was all effects, kinda preachy and weak on story, but now I am interested to see it. I thought Fox was usually very very pro-bush or at least fox news. Correct me if I am wrong on this, I don't watch it.
it may be a cheesy movie.
but ?the day after tomorrow?
has a message for president george w. bush.
Thanks Pat,
I heard this movie was all effects, kinda preachy and weak on story, but now I am interested to see it. I thought Fox was usually very very pro-bush or at least fox news. Correct me if I am wrong on this, I don't watch it.
if you keep picking your nose, your nostrils will get as big as a horse's!.
we can use your face for a halloween mask if it freezes suddenly with that expression on it.. how would you feel if your sister died after you said such awful things to her?
(this following a normal, sibling scuffle).
"you'll go blind if you keep doing that"
......................i'm 45 today.
tonight my kids, hubby and close friends are taking me to an old english style pub for dinner and ale!!!!!!!!!!.
oh how good it is to be out of the borg and celebrating life again.. hope you all have as good a day as i'm having!.
Yay!!! We have the same birthday!!
this is my first post, and i'm so excited (i've been reading posts on this site for over a year now; i tried to register back in october 2003, but had some problems.
i decided to just go ahead and use my "real" work e-mail address, which seemed to have worked.
just for a short introduction- i got baptized at 14, on september 1, 2001. and on september 1, 2003, the last day of our district convention, i decided i was never going back.
Welcome to the board!
You can give me that b$@#$'s phone number and I will tell her to f$$@ off.
Sending you apostate love and encouragement.
Sirius Dogma
i pressed enter.. what video games is everyone into.
currently i am into mortal kombat on xbox.
Doom III comes out in 8 days. Joy!!
hemp was always used as a good source to make cloths, ropes, sails, and various other .
products that used the abnormally strong fibers from hemp plants.
make it legal take it out of criminals hands .
Did you know that, if you are busted for marijuana, even an amiount as small as a joint, you are automatically banned from getting any kind of financial aid for college?
This must have been a recent addition to the books, not applicable in New York or false. When I was 18 (1992) I got busted with weed, it was equivalent to a parking ticket, called a violation in fact. I paid my $120 fine and 3 years later got financial aid for college that were federally funded staford loans.
"In can in some cases be psychologically addictive, however I see no reason why it should remain schedule 1 or criminalized."
Tobacco, caffeine and nicotine are physically addictive. Marijuana is NOT physically addictive. There has never been one case of an overdose on marijuana, but people die every day from alcohol poisoning (overdose).
Marijuana in NOT physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive. However, so can shopping, eating and computer/internet usage.
Since I do not wish to have my cornhole de-virginized, I would never sell. Give away? Hell yes. Trade? Likely. Sell? Hell no.
hemp was always used as a good source to make cloths, ropes, sails, and various other .
products that used the abnormally strong fibers from hemp plants.
make it legal take it out of criminals hands .
Like anything this Marijuana is not perfect. In can in some cases be psychologically addictive, however I see no reason why it should remain schedule 1 or criminalized.
I think a big part of why it is still illegal is that it can make you less productive, where cigarettes are a stimulant and can enhance performanace and productivity. Also, marijunana changes perspective and that can be dangerous to governments, religions, corporate employers or any power structure. You might start to see things differently. Alcohol makes you dummer and literally kills brain cells, marijuana changes some brain chemistry temporarily and lets you see everything from a different angle. With alcohol you won't start to question the things you are mentally fed everyday, with weed, you might. Since the people who run things - religions, governments and corporations have nothing to gain, perhaps only power to lose, it will remain illegal.
It will take nothing less than a mass public outcry to decriminalize weed, simliar to what ended prohibition.
hello, name is dallas and i live in oklahoma.i left the jehovahs witnesses in 1998 after a former member showed me the 1925 false prophecy.i knew circuit overseer william osbeck very well,he left my circuit only to be replaced with brother"if you knock the society i will scream"boatz.he was nothing but a first class coward.he wouldnt even meet with me after i had disassociated myself.i have no regrets about leaving,why didnt my conducters bring up the 1925 failure while i was studying?they failed to mention it.anyway i am glad to be free.god bless you all.-dallas
Hiya Dallas,
Welcome to the board.
for about 1 week i have been drinking mate herb tea.
this tea is very popular in south america,,mainly it taste good and has great health benifits.. it is a stimulant but you can drink it before going to bed and sleep peacefully,,it also is used for mental clarity.. there are many health benifits,,just type "yerba mate" in your search engine and see what come up.
it is packed full of vitamins and minerals.. i highly recomend it.
And of course another article, that says previous article is totally bogus and this time from a site I know to contain good information -
One of the most surprising parts of the research into the topic is that it appears that several articles available online are completely bogus, having been either faked by a vendor to improve sales or a Yerbe Mate fan in order to explain why they liked Yerba Mate tea and not other types of caffeinated tea.
One of the errors in the literature talking about "mateine" is the claim that it is a stereoisomer of caffeine. This stands out because, as any organic chemist can easily tell you, there is no stereoisomer of caffeine. The caffeine molecule lacks a stereocenter and thus there are no rotational isomers at all. This error, repeated widely, shows the people writing the texts know little about chemistry and the rest of their information about this theoretical chemical must be considered suspect.
One thing to note is that people report slightly different effects from drinking Yerba Mate than from drinking green tea, although the exact differences have not been well documented. A common misunderstanding exists that this necessarily means that Yerba Mate does not contain caffeine as a major psychoactive alkaloid. It is possible for different experiential effects to be a result of other variables, including differences in dosage, differences in accompanying minerals or related alkaloids, expectations, taste, smell, etc. Mint tea or gum, for instance, can be stimulating or refreshing partially based on smelling the volatile fragrance oil. It is not known exactly in what ways Yerba Mate is experientially different from Chinese teas or what accounts for those differences.